Yum Yum

Starting this Saturday afternoon, the company CELCOR will be having a 2 days holiday since Monday independence day. I was thinking of a cool way to make myself happy without leaving my room in the office in order to avoid getting bored just to protect myself from procrastinating.

What I have for you is something you should love. It's my favorite food for the month of June hahaha. Here it is...

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It's my one complete meal for breakfast!

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Special ube...yummmy!

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Long live banana...It came all the way from davao!

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Burger buns are my favorite because they are more compact and solid.

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My first bite especially for you!

I'm a happy geek!


maks said…
correct! hahaha
Anonymous said…
wow! ube is my favorite, you know sometimes i had to go to asian shop just to buy canned purple yam and satisfy my sweet cravings. Yet, nothing compares our own native food.: [

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