Homosexuality: The Power Within

I just can't help but laugh my way as I write this blog. I could never really imagine in my whole life that I would come into this point where I would think about gay's hahaha.

Before you start you imagine things that are way too far out I would like to make things clear here that I'm referring to gay's that are good in badminton.

I could never imagine that their flexibility, grace and power is simply perfect for this game.

Yesterday, I had the chance to play with them together with some buddy who was a teacher in NEUST(Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology). We did manage to get some points and rally until we reach the score of 5 points. Everything changes when our opponent's momentum start’s to fire up. Their grace that allows them to make short shot inside the court leaves me nothing but a back-to-back diving inside the court. I'm talking about kissing the floor.

Then they have this ultimate power smash that once they hit it in just a split of a second the shuttle is already down the floor.

And the most important of them all is their defense. The flexibility to return the shuttle back to their opponent even a power smash was initialize is totally stunning.

After the game, what was left in me was nothing but sweat and tongue drop.

I guess I just have to improve.


Anonymous said…
Gays??? they are very talented! Very versatile...and all the very,very, very, very...

They both have the combination of the girl and guy thing you know. [hehehehehehe].

Bitaw oi, many gays are really doing good. I salute to them!
_ice_ said…
yahhh magaling talaga sila mark.. hehehe oppsss..

add mo naman ako nag tratry lng me mag gawa ng blog frustrated kasi.


Simple thoughts ha ang title.. thx mark.. musta ka na?
maks said…
hehehe thanks a lot to all of you!

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