Dealing with reality

Funny how people immediately defend themselves whenever they are face in a situation where they seem to be weak the moment they feel they are being threaten. Yesterday, I was invited by some friends to play some badminton game it was really fun. Luckily, I was allowed to borrow some racket to one of my friend even if they keep on insisting me to buy a new one. But then as I look at the ambiance of their interest I can tell that shelling out a thousand bucks of pesos in my pocket is not worth since most of them are not consistent in playing.

We did won 1 game out of 5 games hahaha. As we rest and watch some players rock their game on one of my officemate was so amaze that he reacted with words like: "grabe akala mo parang shaq ang kamay kung pumalo bumabalik agad." I did agree with him but on the other hand another officemate reacted in a different way and he said, "bata kasi!" deep inside I was like huh? what about being young? it's not a guarantee on being a great player though it will provide an edge.

Just to justify it I did saw an old guy but not that old. He was like on his 50's but man I tell you he has the built and as they play with a younger dude the older one is just too good for him that no matter how power smash he executes the guy could simply return the shuttle back to him and even powerful.

It's not really how young you are but how prepared you are both mentally and physically. The training experience that you gain puts a lot of weight in everything you do.


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