Decisions Conference

Steve Balmer talks about the road map of Micrsoft and the direction they are having at present and the future at the same time the guarantee to most of it's investor that Microsoft is here to take the lead no matter what it takes.

A very interesting point that I notice to most CEO are the following:

-Building an empire is not a joke and risk are all over their sides waiting just like most beast however, most of them see light a light of opportunity in every dark corners of their path and man that's something a leader must have. Opportunity in every challenges.

-Looking back on its article one of the major points that Steve Balmer keeps on pointing out was finding a way on making Windows fresh as brand new. From the beginning of windows 3.1 until the up coming Vista man this company made it so big that they have full control on every PC in the world. They just keep on moving and moving. Innovation is always the key to Microsoft survival.

-Most news and articles presents false information about Microsoft being bankrupt on this year or this year or this year and yet year after year they came out stronger than ever. It seems that this company has been so tough in every way that most of its critics eat their own words. As years past by Microsoft watch closely on the things that matters the most improve it and then show it to the world. What's important is their ability to be open minded and broadens their horizon making them adaptable to most current innovation.

-There is no such thing as second best. That’s the most striking word that I have red when I check out Henry Sy’s principles. Since the day Microsoft conquers the desktop arena they have live with this creed and day after day even face with a free market they never take their eyes on them understanding their nature, accepting their weakness and working hard to be on top.

-Stay hungry, Stay foolish was the last words of Steve Jobs that he shared to most Stanford Students. As I look at Steve Balmer article notice that in every webcast these people shared to us they never fails to inform their audience that they have just scratch the surface or it’s just the tip of the ice berg. They just never learn to say, enough is enough and that’s make them the best of the best.

-The last but not the least as I reflect on this article Microsoft has one mission: World Domination. They understand the risk of their sanity but they choose to be optimistic that someday it will come true. They don’t just jump into a wagon that they don’t understand they put a lot of effort in making things happen, taking bolder steps and indeed changing the world.

Read the full article in here: Sanford C. Bernstein Strategic Decisions Conference


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