
3 days of wondering how am I get find my passion back!

Ok there's .net that im working at but that's not supposed to be my focus but rather I should complete what I started and focus focus focus or else...

And thats what I did for the last 3 days. I focus my attention in GUI mode since its the only part of the system that make things super exciting. You hear it right new features and design comming up.

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So what can you say? here are the things that I did on this new sleek design.

1. Memory leak fix. VC++ is responsible in changing the objects in xp mode. Though some are pictures but specially the backgroud but most objects such as textbox, combobox, listview and more are not pictures to fool users.

Thank God I have office 2003 to work on the graphics.

I know most of you crave for more so here they are:

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Tool bar in action!
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Menu bar in action! one thing I fix about this is the highlight. It has a mouse hover now. No need to write anoter code's for the menu just to close the highlight.

And behold the office 2003 menu!!!
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No pictures yet. Im still searching for the right icons.

There you go. Damn I should focus on the business rules of this project argh...time to work on those.


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