2 days vs 2 weeks

Wow I can't believe that I finsih all the consumptiom history in just two days as compared to my previous conversion which took me 2 weeks. I think that slicing the tables was indeed the right choice I made not only the speed of converting database from foxpro to sql made a difference but the same as true when querrying information from my system.

What I did was I use two computes to finish the job well. In my previous database it would be quite difficult but possible since I only had 1 table. By having multiple tables I realize a lot of things most especially when errors occur during conversion. One is when my converter generates a connection timeout error(due to some network connection problem) I can easily truncate all the specific table and start all over again witout worrying too much about how am I script it to remove all those records without affecting records that are not included in a certain district.

This time the path is breeze, smooth and ease. Wish me luck that I may complete this one. A hundred more to go in just two months.


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