Your Success

Success is indeed what I want. After reading a couple of blogs and news I have stumble a very powerful word that caught my attention. It says "your success would be determined by what you can do , rather than to whom or where you were born." I have always thought that only if you can go, live and work at the first world country will make you successful and live a very decent life. Whenever I visit home my parents keep on convincing me to take up nursing or even go study abroad though it really sounds interesting but what stops me are the following: in nursing i know no matter how hard I try to search my feelings I will never be happy.
Lastly is studying abroad. It sounds cool if you ask me but then again as I try to look beyond happiness and analyzing the goal of most people who passed the test and got their VISA abroad one thing is uncertain for me. After all the school years they enjoy they go back to job hunt and face the same obstacle which is to be hired right? Im not saying that its not a good thing but I guess it does not apply to my own personal interest.

For the past 1 year and 7 months working alone I have search my feelings and inner thoughts for the quest of my mission in this world. And I found it. My mission is to provide jobs to my own land and compete internationaly through the way of outsourcing. Im more of a builder and titans type of person. Most of the time im face with two types of problems. These are being burnout by my own fire or im not flaming anymore.

One of my favorite lines in star wars was this "Isn't it ironic that he can save a lot of people but he can't save himself." This is what I fear most in my future journey. With the political crisis our nation face I might be hallucinating with my visions and dreams. Im afraid to loose everything I work for, just for the sake of my mission. But then again Yoda tells me that "Fear of loss is the path to the dark side. Train yourself to let go of anything you fear to loose."

Confusing isn't it? The journey to life is indeed confusing lots of mystery to unviel. May God continue to bless us all. Time for me to focus bye.


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