Celcor world

I got all the pictures I need in the world of celcor. Thanks to the powerpoint presentation I got everything. Here they are:

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This building used to be the main building. It was built at around 1932. There are plans on reviving this building.

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FCVC this is an independent power generator building. Most of the time the power that CELCOR used came from Transco. This building will supply power incase of a nation wide block out or just an ordinary brownout. It was built at around 1995-1996

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Plant control room

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Barrera Substation. It acts like large scale transformers. Which means it is used to step down or up electric currents.

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Barrera Substation Control Room

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Bitas Substation

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Bitas Control Room

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At the center with white polo and brown pants is the COO(Chief Operation Officer) Mr. Alvin Vergara

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The power trucks called HIAB...

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HIAB in action.

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Geographical Information System. The map of cabanatuan...

Hope you like it. Ill use this picture when I have my own website.


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