Robers suckers!

Right now im so mess up. I can't think and I can't work. Why? somebody just stole my things. Particularly my cellphone (nokia 8850) and my P300+ cash (im not realy sure about the exact amount).

What happen yesterday was I dress up for our unfinshed basketball game for 9mins only. I decided to leave my key in a secret place. After the game I go back to my room change my shoes to slippers. Still my cellphone and cash is there cause I can see it. Then again I leave my key to the same place and go back to the game to watch the next game. What happen was suddenly an officemate of mine drag me with no reason telling me to come with me. I was like clueless and I ask him what is it all about? and he told me to help him carry a big box somewhere he's going to. And he was like insiting me to come with me. I was expecting it will only take a second and we will go back as early as possible.

Since I still have a chat with my gf anytime that night.

Then as we roll down the streets and reach the place I was surprise to realize that its a party. Where people enjoy, drink and talk. It was not really that formal since most visitors there was men. I was worried about it and only if I could just say no and left the place and go back to where I belong it would be simple. I was worried about what would this people react and what they might think of me. More like im a KJ(Kill Joy) type of dude.

Honsetly, I really don't wan't to drink beers since Im focusing on building my body. More like some sporty thing kind of guy who is always conscious about his tummy. I just don't wan't to see my tammy look like flapping blob like those beer drinker dude that looks like a 5 month pregnant woman. I have no choice but to stick with these guys.

Then after six hours of waiting at around 12am to be exact we decided to finish the fun and go back to our own place. I was brought back and as soon as I got to my place I Immedately proceed to room to look for my cellphone and check my money. Guess what? Its gone. I inspect most of my important things like shirts, pants and jewelry furtunately they where still in tact.

One thing that conclude me most. The moron bastard who stole my cell and cash stole do it immediately and as fast as he can. I can see some of my shooes flying from one place to another. Then I immediately check my laptop and still it was inside the office.

Thats all for now. Darn those thief who watch your every move just to get something out of it.


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