My Christmas Experience

It's been a while since I had my blog. Wazzup with me right now? hmmm let me see. I'll start with the day I left my work place.

At around 2:30am dec. 21 2004 I get up and immediately take a bath. Then at around 3am im done and walk my way out of the compound in cabanatuan. Then I ride a bus going to manila. When I reach manila I saw a church full of people it was the last day of mr. FPJ[Fernandoe Poe Jr.] the action star dude who was so popular in the philippines that most fiipinos treat him as if he was their relatives. I wonder what's wrong with this people. Imagine waiting for 3-4 hrs just to have a look of him or even cry for him wow that's just great. On the other hand I feel like some of them just over react to it. Just to be expose with the media or be seen on tv I guess. Who cares anyway.

As I stop at cubao a street somewhere in manila I decided to take a cab(Taxi) goning to my fairy god mother. My first try when I reach the shaw boulivard was a failure. I almost get lost it's because I decided to try the shortcut way to their place. Then finally after a couple of tries I decided to take the long way. Thank God I reach my destination. I almost giveup but I never did. phew.

When I was in manila all I did was sleep then visit sm megamall. I was checking out new computers as well as new gadgets. They really look great and so as the price. Honestly, I could buy a new cellphone but then my priority ight now are books and a new pc for my new OS research which is LINUX(Linus Unix). When I visited national bookstore I saw this amazing book of .net vc++ .net and vc# .net an it cost P6,000+ I decided not to buy this since I was hoping that davao might have it. Sad to say davao don't have it. Maybe someday.

I stayed one night there and I decided to go home. When I reach my home one thing I decided to check out. My precious room. It was there it's like telling me to come and sleep with me. The food was great far more better that cabanatuan. Then my cousin earl came at around 5pm. Then at around 8pm my brother called me and he want's me to go to a bar where earl was there. Then when I arrive and I saw him, wow he change a lot. And guess what? he no longer acts like some little spoiled brat dude that I once saw when I was young. He was cool and he rock. Truly a new teenage dude.

Right now from the day I arrived till at present all we did was explore davao. I was their driver and at the same time a male escort service hehehe. Im really happy these days minus the stress. I was thinking what if I decided not to visit my home land during christmas? hmmm I guess I was missing a lot.

Truly, spending christmas with your family is something to be proud of. Merry christmas and a prosperous new year to all.


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