Vb6 For Java

A very interesting blog that caught my attention was called Project Semplice. It is a very promising tool that could help lots of developers who have made huge investments in vb6 and trying to keep updated with the current trend. What's important with this breakthrough is it allow developers to choose a lot of alternatives instead of choosing one direction. At least most of us will have the freedom to choose of what we like instead of being force to walk on one road.

I could still remember clearly during my college days, I used to live with the principles of the ancient warriors of Japan that live in creed of survival of the fittest "The strong shall live and the weak shall die." in my own way translating this creed I always tell my self that I should focus on my favorite language and become better on it and then I will live happily ever after for I have become the best of what I can be and there is no amount of problem that I can't solve because of who I am However, as I journey to this world known as life I have realize a lot of things especially with the principles that I live in.

Perhaps this is what I called change. People need to change in order to survive or compete and achieve the ultimate dream. As I walk along the path that I choose I realize that Darwin was right after all when he said, it's not the strongest organisms that win, it's the most adaptable. Even if we go back to the time where dinosaur rules the T-Rex was one of the strongest of them all and yet at the end of their era all of them vanish and turned into dust. Even the Lions who are known as The King of the Jungle is facing extinction due to humans however no matter how hard humans try we can't get rid off rats, pests and most house hold bugs that adopt human transition.

Now as I relate this situation to IT I can tell that most developers who resist change are feeling left behind and their personal market value seems desperate.

The best way to do is to identify the next big wave and condition your mind to follow standards then train your brain to adopt changes.

Check out: Visual Basic for the Java Platform


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