Summit and Corporate Intranets

Imagine a presentation where you have gathered people like Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway, Anne Mulcahy of Xerox, Ed Zander of Motorola and attendee Nandan M. Nilekani, CEO of the Indian outsourcing giant Infosys. I wonder how would you face them with convincing speach. There's one person who can only do it and his none other than Microsoft Chairman William H. Gates III. I bet even Steve Jobs can't gather this high caliber people.

Bill Gates delivered the keynote at the tenth annual Microsoft CEO Summit.

This time Microsoft is at full charge and putting an edge on its "enterprise information management." this application is a combination of MSN search service that collects search results from the web and desktop search that collects information from a user's PC and the new technology that sifts through corporate data.

What this means is Microsoft has now 3 powerful search it's web, desktop pc and now corporate data using its SQL Server and Exchange Server. With one step over Google, Microsoft has now a clear edge over Google.

Check this link out: Micosoft Search for Success


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