Ranting about work

I can't deny the fact that I am quite disappointed with my work not because I hate it but I just can't seem to deliver the result on time. I guess I over estimated the huge task that I’m going to face. Last January 19, 2006 I made a significant move to redesign the structured database particularly the matching database, computebill and some important database that has a connection with billing. Instead of the usual single table everything was split into 17 tables since in the city of Cabanatuan there are 17 districts.

I made this bold move not because I want to perform some extreme coding but rather it must be done due to the fact that using a single database is not enough to compensate the network. The company is using a FoxPro database which is a file and I believe as I look at this files are not meant to perform multitasking as compared to the latest FoxPro database.

Just how humongous was the change?

I used to have 2,000 plus views but now check out the difference:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Damn! an additional 4,000 views was added. I have been coding for this baby for 2 weeks now and guess what? I need to do it again not because I made a mistake but I need to combine 1 view to another to get the result. Which means I need another 4,000 set of views to complete the given task.

Day by day it feels like my mission is impossible I guess I should watch Mission Impossible 3 in order to know on how to get this job done.


maks said…
Lagi kabalo baka nga for almost 2 months wala nako naka laag ug mall. Out of this world na gyud ko ani ba hahahaha
Anonymous said…
putong hilaw pre... hhehehehe pag chicks chicks sa did2 oi hahahaha
maks said…

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