What's Next for Bill Gates?

I just found Time Magazine interview with Bill Gates. It was awesome!

In the first interview Bill Gates talks about how microsoft innovate and their secret? hmmm I guess its simply innovating in a very practical and useful way. I guess the lesson is simple
focus on your strength and start innovating on the technology that is available today then tell the world how cool it is. Here is the link http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1171641,00.html

On the second interview, I have found out how brilliant this guy is. He allows competitors to bring on the latest tools then they analyze and make it better and compete. That's how simple their game is and yet so hard to do. Here is the second interview http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1172105,00.html

Hope you will learn from this article.


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