
Someone made a video for me and it was pretty awesome. Thanks i love it.


Anonymous said…
Indeed a good one... good to see you and your friend... But since I have a dial-up internet at home it took a long time to view the whole video.
Take care and love you dear Mark,
Anonymous said…
hi mark... please do update my link in your blog.....

nice presentation.. hmmm done in MS photo story? nice nice.. :)
maks said…
@jane smith-:D thank you. dapat sau ko sabihin un.

@tita-thanks tita. love you and take care too. Im glad that you saw the video. credit is given to jane smith sya ang gumawa hehehe.

@leigh-sure. it was done in MS movie maker. galeng ni jane...:D
Anonymous said…
ah! movie maker... hehehehe nice

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