Life in a fast world

I never thought that life here in cabanatuan is twice as fast as in davao. I guess it's all because of the mind or the number of brain cells that is being burn. The day after I arrive in davao im so certain that I could actually see the second hand of a clock move. Because when im working in cabanatuan I only see minutes. I guess I should blame it to Microsoft because the timer inside my taskbar won't show any seconds.

If there's one truth about my experience during my stay in davao it's ganna be: I could actually feel im bored as compared in here. But still Davao is still the best place.

Another insane accident happened today. Just this afternoon I decided to check out the malls just to see what's new and cool. Things that I observe recently was: I don't see any iPod Nano anymore, prices of Nike shoes are dropping, lots of cool shirts and pants in dockers, giordano and mossimo and I think im beggining to like friction stories...If there's one person to blame its ganna be Paul. I wonder how would my mind change if I follow your path? I tell you guys if you think im weird then you haven't seen how weird this guy is. He's as hot as tolken(the author of the book Lord of the Rings).

On my way back home I was ridding a jeepney(In cabanatuan tricycle are the most common rides that you can see.) just after 30 minutes at the high way there was this tricycle driver who is on the rush that he almost bump the jeep then after 2 seconds he makes the overtake move and just when the clock hit another second bam everything was a desaster. He loose control and overshoots at the other lane hit the other tricycle and back to his lane and flying without wings.

Yes you heard it right "Flying without wings."

Actually, the moment the tricycle A hit tricycle B both of them perform the airbone for 2 seconds I guess and it was infront of me when I was ridding a jeep. It was totally horrible. You could actually see passengers flying like the movie matrix. It was totally a disaster. One driver who was hit by the tricycle became unconscious and worse of all one passenger got a baby on board.

The road was full of blood and it was the worse thing that I could ever see. The sad part was only a few people care and help. And I felt guilty about it too because I never seem to care at all.

May God forgive me for being so selfish. I should learn how to care to someone who needs me the most. May God help those people.


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