
I just finsih the half of the conversion of my system. Then I started to launch my system to do some checking for the compatibilty issues and bam straight into my face Run time error Overflow obviously as I check the highlighted code I realize that the variable I asign was not enough. From integer I change it to long. Then rerun it again and it works well for now.

I was wondering if my system can hold long enough. Day by day the data grows more and more. I just hope it is strong enough to handle those problems.

I check the economic status of my country and I was surprise that the peso is getting stronger. Its now P55.350=$1. I begin to question my self is this because the dollar is weakening or the goverment is now doing their job or simply because, our ofw has not yet run out of cash. Who cares right? The bottom line is my country is moving up.


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