Laundry and Iron

I usually pay some cash (P100=$55 yup peso is getting stronger yupeee)to do the ironing and the laundry not until when I lost two shirts. It was stolen because the person who is supposed to be taking care of my dirty clothes forget it that night.

Then during that morning he tells me inform me about it. I pretend that I was not really mad but deep inside I was not happy. And that triggers me to decide to do it on my own. Why? first of all it takes 1 week or worse even 2 or 3 before all my things are done. And what makes me more anger was she was the mother of the guy who stole my cellphone and cash. She told me not to persue my complains about his son because by the end of december his son will not work anymore there and now I can still see him.

As I gather all the thoughts I need it was time for my vengence but in a positive and right way. Ill do my choirs. What happen next was I decided to start washing my cloths and do the laundry but the major problem was the cloths that I wear needs to be pressed to look neat. Just today I bought one nice iron to do the job. It cost me P725($1=P55) yeah i know its really expensive. What I like about it was the base that is used to generate heat won't eat your shirt plus the warranty.

After I bought it I begin to start pressing all those things that need to be done. I was amaze how fun it was (hahaha) it only shows that I never really do much of those laundry and pressing some shirts. Honestly, im really lazy when im home. hahaha but most of the time I do the dishes.

After I finish all those stuff I realize that I would rather do all this things than let them do it. At least im confident that it won't get stolen and im proud of it.

Taking care of your own things is the best thing to do since you are more careful.


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