Too much geek

At my last post you have read how weird the technique was. The was I transfer the datas from one server to the other. After a series of tweaks yesterday I have realize that the solution that I will issue was too much complex. To the point that im trying to make things difficult or im trying to solve things in a nerdy way. And I mean too much nerd. Then after a couple of googling I have comeup a new a simplier way to solve the problem. I think it was a breeze in my part. I decided to use the sql server again instead of my own creative technique. It was simplier and better I guess.

What I did was instead of issuing the usual server name whenever you establish a connection via LAN I simply change it to IP address to establish a connection. And bam thats it. I can instantly do the usual code such as insert/update/delete statement. Here's the code:

conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=dns;Data Source="
conn.CursorLocation = adUseServer

See how simplier it is? relax nerdy don't be to harsh to yourself. hehehe


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