Blogg Update

One reader name executor buzz me and told me to update my blog since its getting boring without any new thoughts to share with. Funny it may seems but I guess he was right after all. So I decided to blog. What's up with me anyway if some of you ask. At present I have been busy working with 2 things. The first one was the obvious which is my system. I have been focosing more of my time hoping to complete it anytime soon. However, although I almost finish 4 departments I still need to struggle 4 more departments to complete the system. Much more to that the second thing that im busy with which happen to gone from bad to worse is my skin. Im not sure if it is an allergy or skin disease that affects me currently. Darn im so tired trying to kill it as early and as effective as possible. The germs keeps on replicating and now its affecting my right side body.

Because of this im not sure if I want to continue this project or not. I need to go back to davao and seek for medical attention. Im planning to go home this April 2,2005.

As part of my generosity to all of my readers ill post all the screen shots of my system. And explain how and what are the purpose of every single module I built.

I have nothing much to say this past days but expect some interesting application that I develop. Bye for now.


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