The Launching

It's been a while since I post something sensible in my blog. What I mean about sensible is "Techno" related article. The real fact is I have been really busy for the right launching of the system and just today I just launch the first department. Whoppeee! for me. But it doesn't mean that its finished. I still need more time and hardwork to do to make this baby a real working monster. Ok, fine I know im getting weird, im talking about my system DNS(Digital Nervous System). The fun part was the lauching should have been done yesterday but because of confilict of schedule it was postpone and it rather started just today.

So what was the highlights then? First I started to demostrate the basic application the new application to the in charge person. Though I still need more adjustment to fix those bugs. The the most exciting part was the customer raltion where the users handle most of the complains. It was really fun because they where so amaze with the automatic job order. The funny part was during my last year presentation a lot of times I showed them the automatic job order but I guess they really did not get what it was not until I showed them the real thing. When I press the save button from ccd department a task suddenly appear at the averia department. Bam suddenly a light bulb appears at the top of their head. More like your cartoon version of road runner and cayote. Their usual reaction was they where amaze about the automatic job order. Maybe they where not paying attention when I told them that it will work like that. Oh well I guess no matter how I share them my concept I guess they just couldn't get it unless I showed to them the real thing. I can still remember one user told me "Now I know What your trying to say to me." I guess they never really understand it. Poor me. I have been wasting my saliva talking to them and to think it never stay in their brains. No wonder why users are idiot. hahahaha

After the climax of my auto job order another module that heat up our discussion which was the putol(disconnection) module. In an electric company there are two ways to disconnect you. First they will cut your connection. Then if you still can't pay they will remove your meter. The disconnection of wire means putol and the removal of meter means bajado. The putol cost the customer an amount of P20 and the bajado cost P50. In my system once the incharge person generates the putol report automatically an amount of P20 will be set at your account. Because during the time the report was generated you already belong to the list of putol. That kind of cenario creates a very intense arguement. The CCD department was complaining because it will be very hard to explain those things to the customers. Why? because most filipinos are used to with last minute. According to most of its staff there were times when a lot of them pay their bill during the putol time. And charging them with P20 is totally a big deal for them since there were a lot charges that was already billed to them.

Oh well, honestly im not on a position where I could dictate to them because those type of problems require a high ranking officers to be discussed. So why on earth I build those kind of solution? Its because I was told by the head of meter department! that's why. But the real story was like this: While I was working with the meter department I learned that there was no way that those list of putol customers can be identified or monitored. The result was a lot of customers escape the P20 bill due to some sort of connection with the crew.

So with my new system it can be trap and billed properly. This time I don't really know who will be blame for this kind of solution. I hope those crew won't get mad at me. hahahaha because I heard a lot of countless tales about how to escape your P20 charge bill.

Grrrr...I still need more time! work work work thats the only words that I can think of right now. Sometimes I ask my self why do I keep on dreaming? why do I have to make a difference and tell the world that I can do this alone? why do I have to prove to the world that I can code? argh to much question so little time to work. This is the path I chose and now im paying for it. Me and my ambition in life.

Time to polish this department and move to the next department. Good day everyone.


Anonymous said…
Hi maks,

pre, celcor cab ka pala nagwowork. I am jhune from microsoft forum. m here in san jose city, mis dept. baka nided mo kahit encoder bk pwede moko kunin. di n kita napapansin sa forum.

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