
Maybe some of you are wondering how though and big is my system? To give you and overview here is the statistics
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As you can see this is the number of stored procedure that I have been working at. Yup its pretty clear right? 1061 stored procedure

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Check out the views and table. Obviously the number of views simply outrun the number of tables. Views play a very vital part in my system. Views are virtual tables which helps you integrate tables using sql queries but act as if it is a real table. In sql, accessing the views directly like inserting, deleting and updating records generates an error. Im not sure why but i guess its one way of protecting the sql tables. If ever you have a solution for this do tell me. As far as my knowledge is concern the only way you modify the data is by accessing the exact tables.

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The last but not the least the diagram. I may have a few number of diagram but I have an enormous amount of trigger. Here is the sample:

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I may haven't shown you the number of trigger I have its because trigger's are properties of tables. I have to browse one by one all the tables and took some screen shots just to show you the exact number of it. I don't think I have the patience. But believe me in every table I have 1 to 3 triggers.

Just today, I had a presentation for the 3 departments which includes meter, billing and warehouse. Yet another adjustment happend plus I made a small mistake with the flow. Never have I realize that once a customer has been disconnected and the meter was remove, the moment he pays the reconnection fee he can immediately demand for the connection. Say I was disconnected this morning I can demand for an installation at around 11am. Darn it thats how demanding customers are.

Another issue that still wont die was the reconnection fee. As I have said before in my previous post once a customer was disconnected but the meter was not remove automatically once the billing department generates a report those who belong to the range will automatically charged with P20 for reconnection fee. But this time an adjustment was included wherein once the due lapse for 2 weeks the amount will be automatically P50. This is a little tough for me. I just hope that the company will upgrade their computers to cope up with the automation.

Tomorrow I will have another 2 more departments to finish plus the separate office which is near in a wet market. As for my allergy I finally found a solution to stop their replication. Good for me. The itch did stop and slowly my skin is on the process of healing. My main goal was to stop the ich so that I could stop scratching my skin. And to my surprise it work! Thank God. Still it remain very promising.

Wish me luck and hopefully I could complete this project.


Anonymous said…
good luck man.

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