My Final Meeting with the CFO

Every time I have a general meeting where I sit in front with every department users and our CFO will ask each individual if they still have any problems it never fail to give me the chills.

Because no matter how hard you try to make things predictable by asking them for feed backs may it be a day or an hour before the meeting most of this users are unpredictable especially when face with a strict boss.

Thankfully, I am very much happy with the results of our meeting this afternoon considering 95% of this users agree on the final completion of the project. It has never been an easy job because you have to convince all users plus the CFO.

Five years in software development has never been fun especially when you have to face every single concern employee and learn every detailed transaction of an electric company from registration, billing, inventory up to the very .01 transaction of payments. It takes passion, hard work and guts to build the project.

I have to say this is indeed one of my dreams that come true. Ever since I decided to take the risk on developing the system by my self I just want to make it happen. I just want an integrated, easy to use, powerful, develop and design by me.

Really ambitious huh? Against all odds in my personal life I just go for it.

Personally, I could rant some of the negative experience that I have but I do believe that those are the driving forces to succeed in life.

Now that its almost over, allow me to personally thank CELCOR(Cabanatuan Electric Corp.), my CFO Mrs. Yatco for the opportunity and chance that I could never have and of course to Mr. John Tagle our MIS head in CELCOR for believing in me on our first meeting.

I am taking things to the next level and that is to the cloud computing.

Wish me luck.


Anonymous said…
Wow. And this would mean that you're comming back to davao for good?
maks said…
I'm planning to go home this march. For the mean time why don't we just meet the geeks and talk high tech things. hehehe
Unknown said…
Congrats my dearest Mark! Keep up the good work!
Love you,
Anonymous said…

Let's meet again before you return to davao.

Probably we can align some things and convince Paul to join us. Hehehe.
maks said…
@tita emma-your welcome tita. Yes I will

@WF-Sure I will definitely visit your place. It was absolutely fun while I was there talking to you. Who knows Paul might join the band wagon hehehe.

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