GWT Captcha on EIS

I've got a captcha! Yes! I finally manage to run a captcha on my EIS(Energy Information System) it's been three days since I have been working on this baby and trying to understand how the heck servlet works on Apache Tomcat.

One thing I realize when I was working on this project: Coming from a Microsoft developer, when you start working on free IDE the first thing that comes into my mind is "IT SUCKS!" but if you keep on holding on and be open minded about how to deal with problems you will appreciate the art of coding.


Anonymous said…
Can you provide some details about the captcha implementation?
maks said…
what kind of details do you want? Can you please be more specific.
krishkv23 said…
Hey mark i am really impressed with that dialog box.. can you let me how i can implement that captcha in my GWT project. and also i can see close and maximize buttons on your dialog box.. how can i add them..????

Anonymous said…
Hi Mark,
your gui is wonderfull.
We are using GWT too(plus extgwt)
Our dialogs are so bad.
Can u tell me the structure u used here.

The dialog type, and the layout
maks said…
I just use the free GWT-EXT. You can see the showcase here

happy coding
Ankur said…
please give me coding of captcha man In G.W.T in full detail

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