GWT TestCase

Currently, I just discover the value of using Test Case in GWT I never learn to appreciate them since the beginning of my career as a developer. Overall, I am happy that I was forced to make it work and made me realize the importance of it.

The following are the GWT test case:

  • JUnit Test Case - testing framework for most of your application.
  • GWTTest Case - test code that requires JavaScript at runtime.
  • Selenium Test - test through event listener that run against the browser with all the mechanism in place.
  • TestSuites - grouping your test cases. It can run in a single suite and only incur a single compilation.
  • Asynchronus Testing - RPC test case.
All this test case are categorize into two mode: Hosted and Web Mode. It is because there may be a subtle difference between the way GWT application work.

I write this stuff on my blog for me to go over on them whenever I need it.


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