Inbox Reply

I have been working on my mailbox functionality particularly the inbox reply of my content mails. As far as I am concern it works pretty cool right now. Check out the result of my mails.

Here's the result of my top 20 inbox mails in Gmail pushed to my SocialMe project.

I choose my iTunes mail. I decided to change the viewing content of my inbox since my old style of viewing affects all the objects and controls of my overall mailbox. Right now it's pretty much under control but it comes with a price of configuring the content view.

Once the reply button was click all the basic task that a user need to reply will appear. Automatically the content will be send to the email address that was provided.

Here's the view of my Yahoo Mail.

As you can see the a new message pops up the moment we send the email.

As we try to check the new inbox we can see that the mail comes from SocialMe email.

finally, here's the result of my email. I'm still puzzled as to how to attach the images of the multipart/alternative.


things&thongs said…
Nice. I wish my inbox can be as organized :)
maks said…
No worries it will be launch soon. Hope to see your feedbacks

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