
Holy Smokey...I have seen Microsoft pumping their mobile phones to make it as powerful as their OS and I have been craving for Steve Jobs iPhone presentation but I am very much surprise to see what Sun has. It's a Java FX JavaFX Mobile software, a member of the JavaFX product.
Who cares? What's JavaFX?
It's a software product from Sun that allows any consumer electronics manufacturer to accelerate the delivery of Java/Linux based devices, from phones to set tops and dashboards and everything else imaginable. Without fear of format lock-in or disintermediation from a competitor. JavaFX is a product (not simply a technology), built on Java Standard Edition (the Java platform running on your desktop computer), that unites billions of Java SE and Java Micro Edition devices (Java Micro Edition is what runs on most of the world's mobile handsets).
JavaFX provides a complete and fully open source platform for device manufacturers, content owners and service operators wanting to reach consumers with interactive content - and control their own destiny.
Who has the best mobile device in the world? Nokia and Sonnyericson. Both of them is powered with Java. They are cheaper, affordable and the billion people in the world love it.
With Java Fx the fear of being left out with Microsoft mobile devices or Apple's iPhone is no longer a fear because the two big hot mobile phones companies (nokia and sonyericson) are very much prepared to face off with the two giants plus the competition just got bigger as independent developers can now join the fun.
It has JavaFX Script, a simple scripting language designed to bring the benefit of the Java platform to creative professionals and web authors - independent of the device or audience they target. JavaFX Script adds to the list of languages already supported in the Java Virtual Machine, from PHP and Ruby, to Javascript and JavaFX Script - and brings the power, security and extraordinary popularity of the Java platform to those at the forefront of convergence: those defining interactive content for consumers.
Now this is what I called real opportunity.
Visit: JavaFX Mobile
Visit: Jonathan Blog