DNS: Bills and Conversion

What a hell week for me as I try to meet my deadlines on this coming December but still nothing beats my temper to burst out to most stupid employees who make stupid decision. Sometimes you just want them to burn in hell.

Lately, I have been working on a lot of stuff particularly the billing department which involves computation of bills, rover conversion and lots and tons of reports. I just don’t know why I feel dizzy whenever I am working on my database codes in contrast to designing a module. Is it because I am full? Is it boring? Or is it because of the milk that I drink? Funny but when the clock strikes 6pm or 7pm I am very much alive working however, my limits is only up to 11pm since I have to wake up early at around 6am.

I could still remember when I had my first project I could go on like forever work late and wake up early and just keep on going and going just like the energizer bunny but now things change and I don’t know why. Perhaps the fire is not there anymore.

Here are some modules that I have been working at:


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This module may look so weird and so boring but it played a major task in transforming database from FoxPro to SQL Server.

Matching of Meter

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This module is used in detecting defective reading in most meter.


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Large View

I made a separate module for the conversion of rover database to SQL Server because the computer that is being is an old model (Pentium 1) and I decided to take away the graphics to lessen memory consumption.

District Summary

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Large View

This module did take me one whole month to work on because of its complexity and lots of views were needed to build to connect all the necessary information - Sad to say I frequently receive a time out expired error. That’s why I decided to enable only the current scanning of bills but still it is under beta.


maks said…
:D correct

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