A New Beginning

It's been six years since my last post and a lot of things happened in my life. I got married, have two kids(all boys), moved from web development to mobile and now I am working on Artificial Intelligence.

Today, I decided to just write about my daily life to improve my english and be able to express my thoughts naturally.

Let's see how far I can go with this blog. 


sindhu said…
Interesting blog post.This blog shows that you have a great future as a content writer.waiting for more updates...
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Unknown said…
These ways are very simple and very much useful, as a beginner level these helped me a lot thanks fore sharing these kinds of useful and knowledgeable information.

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very informative & different one.... I would like to share the information

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rose said…
Thanks for sharing the information..

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vimal said…
These ways are effective simple and very much efficient useful, as a beginner level these helped me a lot thanks fore sharing these kinds of useful and knowledgeable information.
vimal said…
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