I love being Geek

Never before I am faced with very interesting and challenging task in my entire life than today. For most years in my life I have been a freelancer and I work locally to most of my clients.

Today has been very different since I am very happy to be working internationally! The task is really challenging as I have to team up with the best people. We had different terms whenever we talk things in technicality but we share the same concept, ideas and the process of solving the problem.

The job is very challenging as I have to keep up with them. Most of my task for the longest time has always been an open forum but on my job today it is very different since I have to team up with them and work together. It becomes more of a corporate world with an openness considering that they respect each of our own opinion.

This job may never last forever but no matter what happen it is very important to me and I think it is one of the best. Everything that I need to step up my career has been rolled into one box and this is where I am at.

I just hope I can meet their expectations. I just love my job today.

Thank you to all the people who help me and gave me the shot to take this opportunity.


Unknown said…
All the best my dearest Mark! Blessings and much love,
maks said…
Hi Tita,

Thank you so much. Mwah


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