How I work

I just setup my new office place and I love the setup of my rig. I am pretty much fascinated how my mind work having four computers working together may it be on multi tasking or integrating them to work on one common goal.

I haven't start coding yet but as far as I am concern during installation phase it looks very promising with reduce idle time.


Anonymous said…
And where is this new office of yours situated dear Mark. Love you. Greetings from London. Mwah.
Tita Neng
maks said…
Hi tita,
It's pretty near. It's at my room hahaha. No budget yet for office space. mwah
Anonymous said…
You mean your room in Davao or in Cabanatuan? Cheers you'll surely find economic financing to set up your office space, right? Mwah love you!
maks said…
Hi tita,

It's in Davao tita. I'm back here at my room working. Thanks a lot. mwah
Anonymous said…
So you are back in Davao. All the best to you my dearest Mark as you start your new venture. Blessings and love. Mwah,

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