DNS Complete (SMI-Branch)

I am please to announce that I have managed to complete my system after four years in the making. Currently the annex branch of CELCOR(SMI-Palangke) is using my system already. Every single transaction that they made is powered by DNS. Just yesterday, I no longer stay there for maintenance. One more week to make it more mature and we will launch the new system on the main office.

It really feels different whenever you see employees using your system you made all by your self. I could remember the day when John toured me to that place. I was excited because it was challenging but I was more nervous wondering if I could actually do it especially on the part of processing payments.

It’s always been hard work and persistence against all odds that made me complete this task. Here’s how my module look like now:

Another scary part when I visited the SMI was figuring out on how to create a program that will process the transferring of data from SMI to the main office. Once again thank God for the strength and guidance I mange to pull it off. Here’s how it look:

Everyday after 5pm this module will perform the critical task of getting the payments via phone line and transfer it to the main office and process it then transfer it back to the SMI office. The day it run and performs its task was a memorable one. For the longest time in my life I have always wonder how to do it and now I can’t believe that I manage to create one.

I am hoping that within this year everything will run.


Unknown said…
Congrats my dearest Mark. I know you could do it with patience, perseverance and with God's blessings and wisdom endowed in you. Surely God continues to create and re-create in you.
Cheers and keep on discovering new things which will help a lot of people.
Love you,
maks said…
thanks tita. :D you have been supporting mo for the longest time. I really appreciate it.

love you.

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