The Jollibee Experience

It’s been four months since I take a break and treat myself just for the sake of being jolly for a change. If you have only seen my real life here and experience the life style I’m living I think most of you will definitely think I am insane taking the challenge.
When I think about the culture inside CELCOR I think they suck! Sorry to say but to be honest they really do. The only thing that left me hanging to stay here is Wormz vision and the challenge is way above anything that I ever encounter. The project that I’m working alone is already considered an awesome achievement that I could ever have if destiny allows it or if I am good enough to make it happen.
Let me go back to the point that I am trying to say in here: Why CELCOR culture sucks. They suck because most of the time they don’t know how to make their people happy and to make people happy is to provide delicious foods.
The first time I started working in this place I said to myself I can bear with the challenge that they will throw at me but not with tasteless-unpleasant food grrrrr. I almost thought that I won’t last but months after months and year after year I’m beginning to adopt and suddenly all the rants that I used to mumble whenever I am at my room suddenly change and forgotten.
Not until I had my Jollibee experience hahahaha.
Back at home in my long forgotten past I used to junk Jollibee and consider it as a yucky place to eat simply because almost everyday in my life I always eat there. During college years, Jollibee is considered to be a first class fast food to most of us students we would even tease some of out friends when they mention about going to Jollibee and eat something like: Burger with French fries and a cup of coke.
Some of you might wonder: So then Mark what is the standard food? Answer: Maruya-flavored with the carbon dioxide which is being released by most tricycle along the highway, mais – covered with plastic which can cause cancer, pineapple juice – in which I don’t know what type of water is being mixed on it, pandesal(pan de mongo, pan de coco or star bread)- with free fly’s on top of it. (Remember Brians bakery house hahaha) and of course the yummy siopao in which I don’t even know if it’s a rat or a cat-formed like a beef patty just like your yummy burger.
Ok fine I am exaggerating too much. What else can I say, that’s how I see it when I look back in my college years.
In fairness to my college life, my breakfast, lunch and dinner is far behind in contrast with what I eat in here. Even during the Assumption College of Davao (ACD) years where I used to take eat my snacks and lunch at the nearby store still it was the best. Whenever I got home and perform the maintenance in ACD I never fail to ask myself why on earth the people in CELCOR can’t cook something as yummy as this food?
So what about my Jollibee experience? After years of being immune to most of their cooking delicacy I decided to take a break and see how the real world is going on. It’s been four months since I even tried eating something I called food. I decided to take the usual Jollibee food chain that I used to hate and ignore. I was not even expecting something tasty about their food, instead the thought of freeing my mind to see how the real world is enough to feed my mind.

Chicken Joy


To be honest, deep inside my mind I was so excited just like a little boy with a hungry stomach just like a monster when I look at those delicious pictures. I decided to order two pieces of Chicken Joy with Extra Rice, Rocky Road Chocolate Sundae and Macaroni Salad. I told you I was a monster hahaha, in fact, it was the first time I order as much food as this one for the past two years. I never realize that the things I taken for granted when it was there most of the time will play a very important role on making me happy in the midst of my tiring and lonely world.
The moment I take a bite with my crispy chicken it feels magical, as if I live in a never land together with Peter Pan and his troops eating, enjoying or even wish to experience food wars where you can just throw every single food you order to anyone else take for instance imagine a Flying-Chicken-Joy-Dip-With-Rocky-Road-Sundae-Mix-With-Macaroni-Salad splat into a boy’s face how’s that? bhahaha ok fine that’s rude in the real world.
It may sound so weird, but yes I am weird sometimes when everything inside my mind is filled with pressures, problems and responsibilities of reality that we all must do as part of growing. When I look at the little girl at my far left side together with her mother and aunt she seems so happy and focus while eating her spaghetti in a funny way: sometimes the spaghetti drops while she put it inside her mouth or she look so cute chewing all the spaghetti inside her mouth with her two pigtails that looks like a rabbit.
It was joy all around me and when it’s time for me to go home now not only I was satisfied by the food I ate at the same time the simple happiness that I experience was indeed good enough to allow my body to respond and ready to take the journey today and tomorrow.
Sabi ng Jolibee bee happy hahaha.