Database Search
Database...Database...Database what a pathetic word! It's because of this database from foxpro that I could not surf the net, blog, check the news and do my internet routine maintenance. I can sense that even my grammar and spelling in english is getting hell as coding your database program. Imagine all i know is select, if, case and all those weird variables that I use to assign specific values. Life is indeed sucks especially when everything your world turns is just the four walls of your cubicle. For the past 2 weeks my laptop seems to be running 24 hrs and 7 days a week due to this hellish administrator that keeps on changing standard settings. Did you know that im suffering in here! However, on a positive side just this afternoon we seem to get along together. Thank God for happy thoughts. I just hate it when the abiance in my environment is nothing but pure evil. We don't need to like each other to work together right. Just cooperate and everything will be fine. And don...