Haunted House

Yesterday I arrive at around 3pm in cabanatuan. All the way from davao I go straight ahead in here. Which means im back at work. When I arrive I was greated by some of my friends and they where glad to see me with the improvements of my allergy. Though I was a little bit scared that soon it will come back. Darn those bacteria. I didn't work really right away. As soon as I order some snacks (sad to say there were no mineral water) I decided to go to sleep. As soon as I wake up I decided to buy some personal things at mall. Then as soon as I finish all the things that I need to do at around 9pm I take a nap. And this was the story of my dream.

Its like I was in a big house then it was pretty weird. The settings was quite scarry. Every time I enter the house there was this lots of door more like a maze then as I enter the place I don't actually see those horror people like the white lady, or those scarry characters that you see. Its like there was nothing but smoke, still it gives you the crap of being scared. Its like I have been walking from one place to another then when I feel like I know the place and do it again still it was different. It was really scarry. Its like I was lost in that place.

I have a feeling that someone is trying to say something on me. And now im so scared to go to sleep. hehehe till then I need to go to sleep.


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