GWT Best Practice
Google IO 2010 is comming this May 19 - 20 and I am very much excited to know what they have prepared for us developers. I have decided to review the 2009 Google IO and wrote a couple of summary for guides on the best practice with GWT. The following are the list: Browser History Get browser history right, and get it right early. Back, forward and bookmark. Event Bus Use it to fight spaghetti code. DI+MVP Dependency injection plus model/view/presnter for the win Google Gin/Guice Everything might require async call sometimes so assume it does all the time Command Pattern(Object that embody's calls) Use it to make async tolerable Leverage point for caching, batching and centralize failure handling (inherits the oops something went wrong rather than calling it online). Groud Work Lays the ground work for: GWT.runAsync() - choping the parts that can be code split Undo/Redo Offline Work Use command pattern RPC Always be decoupling The combination of An event bus MVP pattern for your c...